Thursday, September 2, 2010



This is the story of a man who is diabolical in nature and feared amongst the entire community of nille in southern part of Nigeria in Africa.

He lived in a hatched house with a raffia palm roof. Nobody dares him. He is called Nkisor.

A day came, there arose a land dispute between nkwor and mbosi family, mbosi family is a large and prominent family within and outside the community.

The famous mbosi family arrested nkwor on a fifth day after a face to face quarrel. nkwor were granted bail.

Two weeks later, a prominent member of mbosi family called Saturday died. Two days later, another member of the family called sylva died on the forth – night, Solomon died and in two weeks later precious died, all from mbosi family. This intermittent death within a family brought an outcry within the entire family and the community.

The elders of the town having known nkwor to be so cruel pointed accusing fingers at him. nkwor. nkor never accepted being responsible for these death.

Two months later, the king of nille called a mass meeting of the community and introduced the idea of inviting a catholic bishop for prayers. The entire town concurred. a month later, the bishop came and prayed round the community asking God to intervene in matters bothering the community and itemized them including mbosi family death. Two weeks later, the first son of nkwor gave up the ghost. Three days later another daughter of nkwor died. The subsequent night, two sons of nkwor died someday. It became uproar in the community and nkwor were invited to the king’s palace for questioning.

nkwor pleaded guilty and confessed all in had done to each family in the community including the most recent mbosi family.
He pleaded for forgiveness and told the entire community that he never taught on earth that what he did could ever affect him by sending his children to untimely grave. People and the entire community mocked at him and what nkwor believed to be irreversible became reversible. That is the turn around of life.


Once upon a time, there existed a Liberian business man, well known within the metropolitan areas for his enterpreneural ability. People adored and worshipped him. He is victor, he posses different homes in the capital city and beyond. He is married to Bianca of same metropolitan town.

It happened like a sea – wave, his business began to dwindle geometrically. A time came; he sold almost all his homes except the one he occupied with the family. He became hungry and feeding became so difficult.

The wife Bianca, in her disgusted mood, advised the husband victor that they should seek the face of God. They both agreed and joined a living Pentecostal church. A day came for deliverance and confession of sins. The pastor emphatically to members that their breakthrough can only come when they accept Christ. He further enjoined them to confess their sins. The man of God is called Joshua.

Upon this sermon, victor rose and the pastor recognized him. Victor gave his life account to date. He implores the pastor and the church to pray for him for forgiveness. When asked the areas where he had offended God, victor stammered and words became so difficult, but at the end confessed; the murder he committed twenty years ago to a business partner and acquired his property and wealth after killing him. He assured the congregation that he would serve God fully and eschew from things that could lead him to sin anymore.

The pastor after praying with him told the congregation that whatever a man sow, he shall reap. He further highlighted that the effect of what you do in life must get back to you, though it might tarry. This he called spirit of retribution.


In the land Abasi, there exist churches of one fifty denominations.

Most centralized and populated church in Abasi is called “the lather rain” this is a church people preferred to attend because of its beauty outlook amongst others.

The church programme defined every Wednesday as deliverance. This is a day held esteemly by members. The deliverance day attracts people from different works of life, even outside the state. These Wednesday deliverance amongst different Wednesday set the last Wednesday aside for the degree of anointing and power – packed.

It happened that a beautiful, lanky, yellow lady Evelyn came on that day for deliverance. Prominent amongst the pastors in latter rains ministry is Jude.

Jude is full of anointing and power. This was proved by the pinnacles and deliverance he carried out. Time of deliverance came and people began to come out individually one after another. The pastor carried out his deliverance perfectly convincing and believing to the attendants.

Evelyn stepped out for her deliverance. The pastors were in spirit and spoke in tongues. Evelyn wore a mini skirt with a white lace pant perforated at the front exactly within the pubic region.

The man of God began deliverance for Evelyn. This prolonged for over twenty minutes, and suddenly Evelyn fell on the ground with her legs stretched upward to the sky; in mid consciousness exposing sparkling pant and her laps comparable to the lap of an ostrich. The pastor became magnetized and attracted and made prolonged repetitions of his encomtations of deliverance. To worsen matters, the pastor stoop down in pretence of laying hands beneath, this leading to massaging of laps and thighs. Stretching his hand downwards the female region. This attracted a lady assistant pastor who quickly shouted at him and pull his standing with prayers consequently transfigerating the naked truth. Though some intelligent members of latter rains understood the podigm while others couldn’t. But at the last last, the conscious members of the episode converged to discuss the incident that happened at the rear thus power of flesh.


There came a couple named Mr. Jones Afia and wife Mrs. Cecilia Afia. These are young couple married at the ages of twenty years for the husband and sixteen years for the wife. Six months after their marriage, the wife conceived and in nine months gave birth to twin baby girls. They were named Kehinde and Taye. The twins started growing and at the ages three years, their mother was yet to conceive again.

A day came at about 7pm, there began a heavy down pour that lasted till 9pm. the twins fell asleep because of the sweetness of the night rain breeze. By 10pm the parents went to bed. The elder twin called Kehinde woke up to meet the mother. The mother Mrs. Cecilia carried her to the other side of the bed. The twin fell asleep again and the husband Mr. Jones mounted on the wife Cecilia for lovemaking. Kehinde unknowingly to both parents rose head and started tapping the daddy; asking him to stop beating mummy, crying and shouting aloud. Don’t beat, don’t beat mummy again o. Mr. Jones stylishly got up with his long penis; Kehinde shouted mummy, see snake……………….. see snake!!. this snake is penis of Jones while the little kid used herage to call snake. The two couple bust into laughter thus: lovers snake


In the famous city of Oyo in Nigeria of Africa continent is this obscurity of life. A she goat owned by Mrs Alika Sera amongst her numerous goat and other domestic animal arose this event. The origin of the pregnancy, the bio – chemical activities remain obscure within the animal kingdom.

It was December 15th of that year, the goat were heavy and completed the pregnancy period and began signs of delivery. These made the owner to assist the goat by touching sensitive areas to ease delivery. Quite unbelievably, the goat gave birth to a baby boy. It arose turmoil in the entire city of Oyo. Mrs Alika who owned the goat was summoned for questioning. Alika claimed innocence before the entire town.

The baby till date is in palace of the most paramount chief without any physical characteristics of being born by goat or showing any features of goat. The baby was named Emmanuel Oyo. This means the son of the entire town. He is now in tertiary institutions.

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