Monday, September 20, 2010

Web camera software senses movement, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

I'm using web camera software. I
can webcast Internet video to watch my site
from anywhere.

Webcam software detects movement, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

With my new

camera software
, I can run a streaming show
of my apartment visible online. This opens up a group
of opportunities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my room
at any moment from a remote viewing station.

As long as I have the web camera
running and a remote workstation with Internet access, I can watch the home.
With the software and the camera, I can change the settings to capture video,
detect movement (if I don't want to keep the webcam running at all times),
or use a combination of a live feed and recorded video to realize a security
system that takes full advantage of new technology.

With a capture card,
I can easily move relevant video and screenshots to use on
any workstation.

With delicate data on my pc
and expensive stuff in my site,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can monitor whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

New professional surveillance application works with
any webcam, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.

Web camera software senses activity, triggers siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Surveillance application

has become so complicated that the average
user who has been busy minding his business instead of pouring over electronics and online
technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or modernize his security system.

Fortunately, there is modern professional surveillance software that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog closed circuit TV system in order to renew to a broadcasting
video that can be monitored from any internet connected computer or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
pictures for broadcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new IP
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a little differently. And when you throw cameras into the
mix, finding one application to rule them all was heavy.

Professional security software

is now accessible that will work for any camera
or Internet camera and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise anything your motion
sensors are picking up at your home or firm while you can be half a globe away.
The software itself may not be simple, but it can make life simpler for you.

Broadcasting live video and audio from capture card
through webcam server software

Broadcasting live video and audio from capture card through web camera server application

Surveillance software

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area,

computer application

may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect movement and begin recording when it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be accessible off-site, can be broadcast using the server's streaming
function to a website.

Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition television signal.
Using a install like this, it is possible to provide a measure of surveillance for an area when
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

Friday, September 17, 2010


FIRST THING IN THE MORNING, I got into my studio and sit at my desk. Relieved to have survived another night of insomnia and bad dreams, I reward myself with  a pot of fresh, strong coffee. Next comes the best part of my day. My wife, who sleeps later than I do, wakes. On her way to the bathroom, she stops
at the studio door and says hello. Her hair is a mess, and she hasn’t brushed her teeth yet. She comes to me, bends down to give me a kiss — either on the lips or on the cheek, depending on how bad she thinks her breath is. I put my arm around her and draw her closer, feeling her “fanny” (no one else is allowed to call it that), so endearingly soft and modestly proportioned. And that, my friends, is the best moment of my day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Make Money Fast

Need a little extra cash in a hurry? Follow these steps and you're bound to have a fuller pocket by the end of the week. It may not be much, and it may not be reliable, but your options are limited if you're short on time. Later, you can read up on long-term ways to make money. Otherwise, hurry up and follow these steps so you can make money ASAP!


  1. 1
    Consider day labor. There are employment agencies that specialize in this type of arrangement, and you can get paid at the end of the workday. The jobs you find through an agency can vary, but are usually in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. An alternative to finding day labor is to go where other day laborers meet (usually street corners or parking lots) and wait for employers (building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners). If you go the non-agency route, you might get paid in cash. You can also check your local newspaper or internet classifieds to find quick labor gigs, like painting, mowing, or moving work. When considering a day labor opportunity, keep in mind that less formal arrangements could result in you not getting paid or worse, you getting injured without any kind of compensation.

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  2. 2
    Sell something. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don't listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two. You can also sell items online at web sites like eBay, Amazon and Craig`s list.
  3. 3
    Become a street performer. If you can dance, play music, or tell jokes, you can probably get some cash by performing in public. But don't do this unless you are actually good at it. Put together a good act and find a place to perform. Give people a dose of live entertainment, and hopefully they'll reward you with tips.
  4. 4
    Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. Cyberbegging is becoming increasingly popular, and there have been some amazing success stories, but these are the exception rather than the rule. While there are some sites on which you can beg just by putting up a brief ad, if you're looking to make any substantial money you'll probably have to build your own site and invest the time and money into it to make it successful.
  5. 5
    "Donate" plasma. Plasma is a component of blood, and the process is similar to donating blood. You're not permitted to actually sell your plasma, but you can be compensated for your time spent donating (and essentially, it's like selling your plasma). Your blood is drawn, the plasma is separated, and the red blood cells are returned to your body. You can make US$20-30 per visit and give plasma twice a week, but you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be between the ages of 18 and 59, and be in good health.[1] Many college students do this to make extra cash.[2] If you haven't been to the doctor in a while, this may be a good way to get a free health checkup.[3]
  6. 6
    One person's trash is another's gold mine.
    One person's trash is another's gold mine.
    Recycle. Broke because you bought too much soda? Turn the old cans into cash by bringing them in to be recycled. If you don't have your own cans, go looking for them in trash cans or along busy roads, especially rural roads. Call up several recyclers to compare prices. If you live in a state with a bottle or can deposit system, you may be able to get 5 or 10 US cents per container. Other scrap metals are also worth something, so if you've got a big pile of scrap in your backyard or you know of an illegal dumpsite, you can pick it up in your truck and anywhere from 1 or 2 cents per pound for scrap steel to considerably more for metals such as copper or aluminum.[4]
  7. 7
    Open a lemonade stand. Especially if you're a kid, a lemonade stand or baked goods stand can bring in good money in one day. If the lemonade isn't selling, or you want to diversify, sell cookies and brownies as well. The important thing here is to find a good location, like the main entrance to an apartment building, outside a shopping center, on a busy corner near your house, or outside one of your parents’ workplaces (if you're a kid; otherwise you might get in trouble).
  8. 8
    Enter sweepstakes. By choosing sweepstakes carefully, you can increase your likelihood of hitting the jackpot (or at least getting a few useful freebies that you can sell, as mentioned above). Search the internet-- there are even internet databases, some free and some by subscription only, that can clue you in to hundreds or thousands of sweepstakes. Sweepstakes with smaller prizes can be great because you generally have a more realistic chance of winning. Don't, however, waste your time entering a sweepstakes for a prize you don't want and can't easily sell for a good profit. Enter as many times as possible. The more times you enter, the better your odds. It's as simple as that. Before you send in a million entries, however, make sure you know how many entries the rules allow you.
  9. 9
    Become a moving advertisement. Creative marketing companies might be willing to pay you to get their name out there. Some interesting strategies that people have gotten paid for:

    • Turning their car into a moving advertisement; there are companies with bumper sticker programs as well.
    • Wearing t-shirts, clothes, costumes that advertise a business.
    • Temporary tattoos on the forehead, a pregnant belly, and other parts of the body.[5][6]

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  • Make sure that whatever you're doing does not violate any local laws or regulations.
  • If going the day laborer route, keep in mind that there is animus against these types of workers, i.e. illegal aliens.
  • If you are going to sell something, make sure that the price isn't too high or else no one will buy it. Also, make sure that it isn't too low, or else you won't be able to make a lot of money (an exception to this is if you are seriously desperate). For example, a cup of lemonade would be too expensive at $2.00, but if you slash that price into quarters (about $1.00), it would be reasonable.

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9 Ways To Beat A Snack Attack

    September 15, 2010 | special edition
9 Ways To Beat A Snack Attack - Click Here to Read More!

9 Ways To Beat A Snack Attack
Between-meal eating isn't necessarily a diet no-no. In fact, smart snacking can help you lose weight and control cravings. Here are 9 nutritionist-approved strategies for when the munchies hit... Click here for more.

1. When a midafternoon slump hits

This isn't the time to grab a cupcake from the bakery next door. Instead, "shoot for a protein and carbohydrate combo" for long-lasting energy, says Rosanne Rust, R.D., author of The Calorie Counter for Dummies (For Dummies).

High-quality carbs will give you energy for the rest of the afternoon and protein will hold you until dinnertime.

Dietitians' Picks: Celery and peanut butter or 1 ounce reduced-fat cheese and a small pear.

If your energy is really flagging, try almonds with a cup of coffee and skim milk, suggests Chicago-based registered dietitian Sandy Sfikas.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Polygamy amongst Xian Converts in Africa

Polygamy amongst Xian Converts in Africa

Wonderful write up looking at polygamy among converts in various regions in Africa. These issues are thorny at best. What would you do if your Church converted a polygamist family? What if your church lived in abject poverty? What do you do with God allowing the patriarchs to have multiple wives? What about the damages done to the other wives and the children?

All of these questions are more real and pressing than shouting “polygamy is a sin!” from a computer or pulpit. Everyone (well, all the Christians in the article and you and I)) agrees that polygamy is not the right form of marriage. The trick is how to navigate the ideals of Christianity in this real world we all seem to be living in.


Is polygamy a sin? A consideration of polygamy and the Bible

Conservative Christians in the Anglican Communion—especially those in Africa—have fought a long, hard battle against the acceptance and blessing of homosexual activity. Now, some Western Anglicans are charging the Africans with hypocrisy for arguing against one sexual deviancy whilst accepting another—polygamy.

Recent developments in the Anglican communion with regard to human sexuality have drawn extraordinary statements from some quarters. In particular, conservative Christians—who believe that the teaching of the Bible is against any endorsement of homosexual relationships—have been accused of being inconsistent, given their attitudes towards polygamy. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of polygamy by African clergy not only indicates nonalignment with traditional Christian teaching, but is also an example of how out of touch the African churches are from the Western world.1

However, the reality is that Anglican churches in Africa do not endorse polygamy as a legitimate lifestyle for the Christian. On the contrary, they teach that Christian men should not marry more than one wife, and they do not bless polygamous marriages. As for being out of step with the Western world, our African brothers and sisters are much more concerned to be in step with the teaching of Scripture than to follow the faddishness of liberal theology so prevalent in the Western Protestant tradition.

Nevertheless, there are necessarily complications for those who come to Christ out of a polygamous non-Christian culture. And this is the situation our brothers and sisters in Africa have had to grapple with. The focus of this article is to consider what the Bible teaches about polygamy. We know that it was clearly practised in Old Testament times, apparently without the attendant disapproval of God. Indeed, The Book of Common Prayer can only cite Isaac and Rebekah as a model of marriage among the patriarchs, for only they expressed their covenant of marriage in the faithfulness of an exclusive and permanent union between a husband and a wife. Even in the New Testament the absence of references to polygamy, apart from the requirement for elders and deacons to be the husband of one wife, is surprising. Is this a requirement for church officers only? What about other members of the congregation? To answer these questions we must turn to the Bible’s teaching on marriage as a whole.

Marriage—the bond between one man and one woman

The creation of Adam and Eve was not an accident of design but a deliberative model of the Creator to establish humankind in the context of family. The creation of Eve was for Adam, a helper suitable for him, so that together they might exercise the dominion accorded them as imagebearers of God. While their physical union would be blessed with the fruit of children, it is noteworthy that the reflection in Genesis 2:24 on the nature of marriage is complete, despite the absence of children. A man leaves his father and mother, cleaves to his wife and the two become one flesh. Moreover, it is an exclusive union. Only two people can enter into a marriage designed by God. In Jesus’ words, they are no longer two but one (Matt 19:6; Mark 10:8).

The first recorded deviation from this model is the person of Lamech, who took two wives, Adah and Zillah (Gen 4:19). The context suggests that his bigamous activity was coordinate with the other vices evident in Lamech’s song, including murder, arrogance, vindictiveness and further murderous intent (Gen 4:23-24). Indeed, the unfolding of the history of humankind evidences a strong connection between violence and oppression when there is a departure from monogamy.

The early chapters of Genesis suggest the original intention of marriage was one man and one woman. In the New Testament, this understanding is reiterated by Jesus and Paul. In the context of a discussion about divorce, Jesus reaffirms the divine intention that marriage is between two people, where the two become one (Matt 19:4-6; Mark 10:2-9). Similarly, Paul endorses the union of one man and one woman (Eph 5:31). In the extended discourse concerning marriage in 1 Corinthians 7, the presumption is both explicit and implicit: each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband (v. 2).2 Thus, when Paul comes to outline the requirements for a bishop/elder or a deacon, he indicates that the bishop/elder or deacon must be the husband of one wife (1 Tim 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6). This, like the other ethical characteristics of church leaders, is not a restriction limited to elders and deacons alone, but rightly defines the characteristic of all Christians. In other words, Paul is not invoking a new ethic for the leaders of God’s people, but is reinforcing the creation ordinance for all people, as depicted in Genesis 2 and reaffirmed by Jesus in the Gospels.

In this respect it is interesting to note that while monogamy appears the norm in first century Judaism (cf. Luke 1:5; Acts 5:1), polygamy was not unknown among the Jews.3 Moreover, the lex Antoniana de civitae, which made monogamy the law for Roman citizens in 212 AD, also made an exception for Jews. Quite possibly it was knowledge of this defection from the Creator’s intention for monogamous marriage that prompted Paul to make explicit, in relation to the appointment of elders and deacons, what God required of his people.4

The toleration of polygamy in the Old Testament

However, one does have some sympathy for the view that polygamy ought not to receive any rebuke under the new covenant, as it was clearly practised in the Old Testament. Furthermore, whereas adultery received the death penalty under Mosaic Law, polygamy attracted no such sanction. For it is not only the ungodly Lamech and unbelieving Esau (Gen 36:2) who fail to subscribe to monogamy, but also Jacob (Gen 29:21-30), Gideon (Judg 8:30), Elkanah (1 Sam 1:1-2), David and Solomon, who had many wives (notwithstanding the explicit warning of Deuteronomy 17:17). While Adam, Noah, Lot, Isaac and Moses and many others were monogamous, the instances of polygamy, though few in number, are conspicuous deviations from the ideal of Genesis 1-2.5

While it is true that legislation existed under Mosaic Law to regulate polygamy (Exod 21:10-11), such legislation did not thereby legitimize polygamy. Rather, it is a sufferance exercised by God, a divine permission, which best explains the accounts of polygamy in the Old Testament. The parallel with respect to divorce legislation has often been put forth as an explanatory model of such divine toleration. In the instance of divorce, the regulations in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 are interpreted by Jesus as permissive legislation because of Israel’s hardness of heart (Matt 19:8; Mark 10:5). Yet from the beginning this was not so. In other words, Jesus indicates that the existence of sin among the people of God requires regulations so as to prevent sin from wreaking further havoc among God’s people.6 Thus, on the one hand, God can say that he hates divorce (Mal 2:16), while on the other hand, he can provide guidelines for its regulation both under the old covenant (Deut 24:1-4) and under the new covenant (Matt 19:1-9; 1 Cor 7:15). Sin is always complicating. Once sin erupts in the midst of relationships it has a habit of multiplying and worsening the situation. The Bible therefore regularly seeks to limit the effects of sin, wherever possible. Two further examples from the marriage bond helpfully illustrate this principle.

In 1 Corinthians 7:10 Paul exhorts believers not to separate from their spouses. However, he then goes on to say, concerning the separating wife, “but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband” (1 Cor 7:11). Her ‘sin’ of separation must not be confounded by a further sin of remarriage. The same is true for the separating husband. Thus Paul regulates the effects of sin, so as not to complicate the situation further. The reason for this counsel is that Paul wants the original marriage to be restored, and in accordance with the principles of Deuteronomy 24:1-4, a second marriage would preclude all possibility of restoring the first marriage, even if the second husband died.

A second example is the Bible’s prohibition of a Christian marrying a non-Christian. Despite this prohibition, if a believer chooses to marry an unbeliever and then regrets the decision, the believer has no grounds for divorce. On the contrary, if the unbeliever wishes to stay in the marriage the believer is bound to do so (1 Cor 7:13).7 In other words, the wrongful act of marrying an unbeliever is not righted by ‘undoing’ the marriage. Rather, the wrongful act is tolerated, and in the providence of God may even be turned to good in the conversion of the unbelieving spouse (1 Cor 7:16).

Repentance from sin does not always free us from the consequences of sin. Nor, thankfully, does such sin and its consequences bar one from the fellowship of the saints. Polygamy, while falling short of the ideal that God intends for his people, is not an unforgivable sin, even though it is contrary to God’s intentions for marriage.8 Once it is understood how God’s toleration of polygamy is still compatible with his revealed law on the nature of marriage, it is possible to understand the way in which the African Churches have come to terms with the admission of converted polygamists into the body of Christ.

African Anglicans and polygamy

While it is true that Western civilization has largely legislated against any form of polygamy, in many parts of the world the culture of polygamy still predominates.9 The continent of Africa, not only among Muslim communities but also tribal communities, is a case in point. Western Christians have not always understood the kinds of difficulties that African churches encounter in the evangelization of polygamous communities. Such a lack of understanding is interestingly expressed in a resolution of the 1888 Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops, which was the prevailing view among most Christians in the nineteenth century:10

That it is the opinion of this Conference that persons living in polygamy be not admitted to baptism, but they may be accepted as candidates and kept under Christian instruction until such time as they shall be in a position to accept the law of Christ. That the wives of polygamists may, in the opinion of this Conference, be admitted in some cases to baptism, but that it must be left to the local authorities of the Church to decide under what circumstances they may be baptized.

Resolution 5/1888

However, by the 1968 Lambeth Conference, the mood was more open to a different point of view.

The Conference recognizes that polygamy poses one of the sharpest conflicts between the faith and particular cultures. The Church seeks to proclaim the will of God in setting out the clear implications of our Lord’s teaching about marriage. Hence it bears witness to monogamous life-long marriage as God’s will for mankind. The Conference believes that such marriage alone bears adequate witness to the equal sanctity of all human beings, which lies at the heart of the Christian revelation; yet recognizes that in every place many problems concerning marriage confront the Church. The conference therefore asks each province to re-examine its discipline in such problems in full consideration with other provinces in a similar situation.

Resolution 23/1968

It took a further twenty years of discussion before the Bishops of the Anglican Communion were able to espouse a more biblical approach to the contentious issue of the admission of polygamists into the church.

This conference upholds monogamy as God’s plan, and as the ideal relationship of love between husband and wife; nevertheless recommends that a polygamist who responds to the Gospel and wishes to join the Anglican Church may be baptized and confirmed with his believing wives and children on the following conditions:

  1. that the polygamist shall promise not to marry again as long as any of his wives at the time of his conversion are alive;
  2. that the receiving of such a polygamist has the consent of the local Anglican community;
  3. that such a polygamist shall not be compelled to put away any of his wives, on account of the social deprivation they would suffer;
  4. and recommends that provinces where the churches face problems of polygamy are encouraged to share information of their pastoral approach to Christians who become polygamists so that the most appropriate way of disciplining and pastoring them can be found, and that the ACC be requested to facilitate the sharing of that information.

Resolution 26/1988

Today there are two prevailing views in Africa as to how to handle the vexed question of baptizing and admitting to communion those who are converted polygamists. Broadly speaking there is the Nigerian view and the Kenyan view. Both views reflect a commitment to the ideal of monogamy for all Christians. Both views uphold the ideal of monogamy. Both views disallow any polygamist from being an ordained clergyman. However, the Nigerian view reflects the teaching of the 1988 Lambeth Resolution 26, whereas the Kenyan view is less sympathetic to any Christian having more than one wife, regardless of their marital status before conversion.

The Nigerian view argues that a polygamist who is converted ought to be baptized and admitted to communion, along with as many of his wives who are believers. However, he is not to marry any more wives. To do so would be to come under the discipline of the church. It is argued that what has happened cannot be undone and that for the sake of the wives (many of whom would be destitute without the support of the husband) the families should remain intact. In other words, polygamy should be tolerated in such circumstances.11

The Kenyan view is a little stricter in that it argues for a realization of the ideal of monogamy. Polygamists, therefore, should cleave to one wife only (their first wife), and provision should be made for the other wives in a separate house. By this measure, the Anglican Church of Kenya (along with the Tanzanian Church) seeks to maintain the ideal in reality as much as is humanly possible. Contrary to many ill-informed accusations, African churches do not condone polygamy among their members as an expression of the ideal of marriage. Certainly, no Christian minister is allowed to have more than one wife, in conformity with 1 Timothy 3:2 and 3:12. Rather, in the case of a converted polygamist on the Nigerian viewpoint, he is allowed to keep his wives out of a sense of duty to protect those who have come under his household. Such an attitude, in this writer’s opinion, is in harmony with the love of Christ and the Bible’s teaching on the sufferance of sin as an ethic of redemption.


1 The comments of journalist Tony Jones in an interview on ABC’s Lateline, 23 June 2003, are indicative of the common assumption that African churches endorse polygamy. For a transcript of the interview, visit:

2 While the context of 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 may not be directly applicable to all situations—dealing as it does with the “temptation to sexual immorality”—there is no indication that Paul contemplated any other state than that of celibacy or monogamy.

3 For a discussion of the evidence see G. W. Knight III, Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1992, p. 158.

4 “[P]olygamy was certainly very prevalent among the Jews and it was very much to the point for Paul to insist that a bishop must be free of this stain.” J. Calvin, The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, and the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, ET, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1964, p. 224.

5 For the view that Leviticus 18:18 also relates to a prohibition of bigamy, see J. Murray, Principles of Conduct, Tyndale, London, 1957, pp. 250-256. For an alternative view, see G. J. Wenham, The Book of Leviticus, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1979, p. 258.

6 “It was the sufferance of forbearance, not the sufferance of approval or sanction.” Murray, Principles of Conduct, p. 19.

7 The situation contemplated by Paul is most likely one where a person is converted after their marriage and their spouse remains unconverted. However, the principle still applies to those who knowingly marry an unbeliever, contrary to Paul’s instruction later in the chapter (v. 39; cf. 2 Cor 6:14-16).

8 According to R. J. Rushdoony, “The reason for this toleration was the fact that the polygamous family was still a family, a lower form of family, but a tolerable one ... Biblical law thus protects the family and does not tolerate adultery, which threatens and destroys the family.” The Institutes of Biblical Law, Craig Press, Philadelphia, 1973, p. 364.

9 According to I. Gaskiyane, “Over three quarters of the world's societies permit polygamy and only 16% prescribe monogamy.” Polygamy: A Cultural and Biblical Perspective, Piquant, Carlisle, 2001, p. 7, n. 1.

10 Compare Charles Hodge's similar conclusions in his Systematic Theology, III.387-391.

11 As argued by Gaskiyane, Polygamy, pp. 46-50.



In accordance with new Premier League rules for this season, a squad list has today been submitted.

The squad can be up to 25 players and if the full 25 are named, eight must be classed as 'home-grown'. A reduced squad can be submitted if a club does not have eight falling into that category.

A home-grown player is one who, irrespective of his nationality or age, has been registered with any club affiliated to the Football Association or the Welsh Football Association for a period, continuous or not, of three entire seasons or 36 months prior to his 21st birthday (or the end of the season during which he turns 21).

In addition to the 25-man named squad, clubs can use an unlimited number of players aged 21 or under. An Under 21 player is defined as one who has been born on or after 1 January 1989.

These rules cover league games only.

Chelsea's submitted squad is

1. Petr Cech
2. Branislav Ivanovic
3. Ashley Cole
5. Michael Essien
7. Ramires
8. Frank Lampard
10. Yossi Benayoun
11. Didier Drogba
12. John Mikel Obi
15. Florent Malouda
17. Jose Bosingwa
18. Yury Zhirkov
19. Paulo Ferreira
21. Salomon Kalou
22. Ross Turnbull
26. John Terry
33. Alex
39. Nicolas Anelka
40. Henrique Hilario

Our Under 21 players who currently have a squad number are:

23. Daniel Sturridge
38. Patrick van Aanholt
43. Jeffrey Bruma
44. Gael Kakuta
45. Fabio Borini
46. Josh McEachran

Only in exceptional circumstances can the squad be changed before the January transfer window, apart from the addition of players not under contract to another club.

Polygamy in Africa from a young Africans' point of view

Plural Marriages or Unions in Africa

Polygamy in Africa is a cultural practice that has been deeply rooted in the African Tradition for eons. Although Western culture and religion have all but outlawed this way of continues to function as just that...a way of life.

I'm a South Africa and I come from a monogamous family. I have nothing against polygamy when practiced responsibly. For us as African's it's a choice, cultural and traditional issue, for some it is even practiced within their religions.

Polygamy in Africa

I recently read an article online from a woman who was speaking about polygamy from a feminist, democratic and westernized point of view. I have no issues with those views at all, I'm feminist, democratic and I'm westernized. But you can go ahead and blame my parents.
So I decided that instead of blowing a gasket about how she is an imperialistic old fart who knows nothing about African cultural and traditional practices, and how she is a pompous, patronizing snob, I decided to just write an article to clarify a few issues.

Also known as many marriages, polygamy refers to a marriage situation where one person is married to more than one partner. This is acceptable in a large amount of societies world wide. Christian and Jewish faiths have outlawed this practice and it is less prevalent in countries where the majority of the citizens are either Jewish or Christian. I'm a Christian. Again, feel free to blame the parents.

Polygamy in Africa has been a cultural and/or a traditional practice for a very long time. Although some cultures, due to a level of westernization of religion will only look at it as old relic and outdated practice, it is still highly practiced in some societies and cultures.

This happens in many forms. For example in some African practices, when a man dies, his brother will inherit his wife and children. Therefore, if the brother was already married he's immediately find himself in a polygamous marriage with 2 wives and a handful of extra children. In South Africa, the Customary Marriages Act protects the woman if she does not want to marry the late husbands brother.

In other societies older women would select a younger female to be her husband's new wife in order to share the large amount of work load in the household.

Granted in some cultures polygamy is forced upon women, sometimes shockingly young girls are forced into this life. I personally condemn such practices and I pray that something is done as a matter of urgency to act against such practices. But in most cases all parties concerned are aware of what they are getting in to. In African cultures the First wife generally has a say on who the husband chooses as his second wife, and third wife and so forth. She has to approve of the woman before she is brought into the house.

Would I get into a polygamous union? No I would not. And not even the parents would, but they are the imperialized, westernized sort who would never think of imposing such an old relic into their beloved childrens' lives. But that is a personal choice. Just as much as I would not look down upon those who do practice polygamy. Many Africans are descendants of a family that has a history of sorts of polygamy. Not all people who come from such a household grow up to be polygamist. It is nobody's place to judge unless somebody has been forced into such an arrangement.

Polygamy is now battling to outlive the taboo status that some Europeans and the media has plastered on it. I wonder if any of them have ever thought about those women who actually want to be in a polygamous union. I'm not even talking about those young women in Swaziland who are all hoping to be the Kings 23rd wife or something.

South Africa

As a South African i can't write something about polygamy and not mention the President. So here it goes;

President Jacob Zuma has Three wives (one more on the way) and at least 18 children. He has been Married 5 Times. One wife divorced him and one committed suicide.

Getrude Sizakhele Khumalo (Makhumalo) is hte official First Lady and Zuma's first wife, they have no children together.
Knosazana Dlamini Zuma has been a Cabinet Minister in Government since 1999. She divorced Jacob Zuma in 1998.
Kate Mantsho committed suicide in December 2000.
Nompumelelo Ntuli (MaNtuli) married Jacob Zuma in January 2008.

He has paid lobola (dowry) for Two other women. (he has two fiancees)

He has been at the receiving end of a lot of criticism about his family life, some from even the opposition parties. He seems happy enough with is arrangement though and all his wives are matured ladies with the ability to make their own decisions. South Africa is one of the highest ranking countries in terms of Human Rights, I doubt any of these ladies were forced int this union. I think that they are all capable of walking out should things turn sour. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma did just that.

Polygamy is allowed in South Africa, mainly because most of its cultures and traditions have been practicing it for eons and are still are. It won't be easy for any government to change that because its part of who we are as a Nation. What needs to be done though, is ensuring that young girls are protected from being forced into such unions and to ensure that women, young and old, are educated about this practice and that they are educated about their rights and responsibilities.

South Africa has legislation in place that protects everybody involved in such unions. Which is great, as long as it is implemented even at grassroots level and in the deepest of our rural areas, where knowledge and education are a bit scarce.

Belgium’s babes primed for action

Heading into the UEFA EURO 2012 qualifying competition as outsiders, Belgium are hoping their exciting crop of youngsters can bed down with some experienced mainstays and make an instant impact on the international scene.

Intent on rebuilding the side and reviving their fortunes, new national coach George Leekens has said he wants Les Diables Rouges to adopt the traditional Belgian style once more. Nicknamed Long Couteau (Long Knife), Leekens sees youth as central to that ambition and has named six players born in or after 1989 in his squad for the upcoming Group A games against Germany and Turkey, his first official outings since taking over from Dick Advocaat.

Absent from major international finals since the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan™, Belgium’s hopes of making it to Poland and Ukraine in two years time will depend to a large extent on the ability of their starlets to repay Leekens’ faith.

And with old hands such as Daniel van Buyten, Timmy Simmons and Thomas Vermaelen around to guide them, and the likes of Steven Defour, Axel Witsel, Jan Vertonghen, Vincent Kompany, Marouane Fellaini, Kevin Mirallas and Eden Hazard already blazing a trail, the brave new breed could be the key to Belgium’s return to the big time.

As Leekens’ prepares his revamped side for their vital double-header, runs the rule over five of the country’s brightest hopes.

Romelu Lukaku (Anderlecht)
The Anderlecht prodigy was only 16 when he was capped by his country for the first time in March, another high point in a season he ended as the Jupiler League’s top scorer. Having since turned 17 and been identified by Leekens as his leading striker, Lukaku is now readying himself for the task of becoming the nation’s saviour. Dubbed the "new Ronaldo" by the Belgian press and watched by scouts from Europe’s top clubs week in week out, the teenage striker of Congolese extraction is the complete package. Unusually strong for his age and mature and intelligent with it, he is also a fine dribbler and powerful in the air. Although still at school, Lukaku has so far handled his new-found fame with admirable ease and looks better equipped than anyone to take Belgium back to the European and global elite.

Kevin de Bruyne (Genk)
Though only 22, the brilliant Standard Liege schemer Steven Defour would already appear to have a successor in Kevin de Bruyne. The 19-year-old protégé is working wonders under Franky Vercauteren at Genk and has been in prime goalscoring form at the start of the new season. The Limburgers’ dominant position at the top of the Belgian championship is partly down to their prize asset, who joined the club’s youth academy five years ago. A permanent fixture in the national U-19 and U-21 sides, De Bruyne could miss out on Belgium’s opening UEFA EURO 2012 qualifiers because of back problems. A starter in his maiden international outing against Finland in August, the gifted and speedy forward can operate down the middle and out wide on the right. "I’m more of an attacking player than Steven, but he is a much better defender than me," says the heir to Dufour’s throne. Unlike Lukaku, the Genk favourite has left his schooldays behind him to concentrate on a career that ought to take him to the summit of the European game.

Christian Benteke (KV Mechelen)
It was under Leekens’ tutelage at Kortrijk that the Kinshasa-born striker, then on loan from Standard, burst onto the national scene. "The national coach knows all about me and I knew that could well work in my favour," said the 19-year-old after receiving his maiden international call-up for the May friendly with Bulgaria. The former Standard youth product struck nine goals for Kortrijk, a return that justified the 2008 and 2009 league champions’ decision to lure him away from Genk with a three-year contract. "Everything happens so quickly in football," said Benteke, who has just joined Mechelen on loan. "A year ago I was demoted to the Standard B team but since then I’ve had the chance to show what I can do."

Toby Alderweireld (Ajax Amsterdam)
In assessing players the main criterion for Leekens is natural talent. "He probably isn’t quite there yet, but then again he’s only got one season of first division football under his belt," he said of Alderweireld, who has just completed his first term in the Eredivisie. Following in the footsteps of Thomas Vermaelen and Jan Vertonghen, the central defender left Germinal Beerschot for the Amsterdam giants in August 2004. Much admired by Leekens, who called him up for the Bulgaria friendly, the baby-faced central defender already has nine caps to his name.

Jelle Vossen (Genk)
A team-mate of De Bruyne’s for club and country, Vossen has already struck seven goals in five Jupiler League games this season. Long since tipped as a future star, the thoroughbred Vossen has come on in leaps and bounds in recent months. Loaned out to Cercle Bruges last term, the Genk youth academy graduate went on to boost his self-confidence by scoring six goals. He made his Belgium debut in May 2009 under Franky Vercauteren, who is now getting the very best out of him at Genk, so much so in fact that Leekens could well hand Vossen a starting place ahead of Lukaku for Friday’s meeting with Germany in Brussels.



This is the story of a man who is diabolical in nature and feared amongst the entire community of nille in southern part of Nigeria in Africa.

He lived in a hatched house with a raffia palm roof. Nobody dares him. He is called Nkisor.

A day came, there arose a land dispute between nkwor and mbosi family, mbosi family is a large and prominent family within and outside the community.

The famous mbosi family arrested nkwor on a fifth day after a face to face quarrel. nkwor were granted bail.

Two weeks later, a prominent member of mbosi family called Saturday died. Two days later, another member of the family called sylva died on the forth – night, Solomon died and in two weeks later precious died, all from mbosi family. This intermittent death within a family brought an outcry within the entire family and the community.

The elders of the town having known nkwor to be so cruel pointed accusing fingers at him. nkwor. nkor never accepted being responsible for these death.

Two months later, the king of nille called a mass meeting of the community and introduced the idea of inviting a catholic bishop for prayers. The entire town concurred. a month later, the bishop came and prayed round the community asking God to intervene in matters bothering the community and itemized them including mbosi family death. Two weeks later, the first son of nkwor gave up the ghost. Three days later another daughter of nkwor died. The subsequent night, two sons of nkwor died someday. It became uproar in the community and nkwor were invited to the king’s palace for questioning.

nkwor pleaded guilty and confessed all in had done to each family in the community including the most recent mbosi family.
He pleaded for forgiveness and told the entire community that he never taught on earth that what he did could ever affect him by sending his children to untimely grave. People and the entire community mocked at him and what nkwor believed to be irreversible became reversible. That is the turn around of life.


Once upon a time, there existed a Liberian business man, well known within the metropolitan areas for his enterpreneural ability. People adored and worshipped him. He is victor, he posses different homes in the capital city and beyond. He is married to Bianca of same metropolitan town.

It happened like a sea – wave, his business began to dwindle geometrically. A time came; he sold almost all his homes except the one he occupied with the family. He became hungry and feeding became so difficult.

The wife Bianca, in her disgusted mood, advised the husband victor that they should seek the face of God. They both agreed and joined a living Pentecostal church. A day came for deliverance and confession of sins. The pastor emphatically to members that their breakthrough can only come when they accept Christ. He further enjoined them to confess their sins. The man of God is called Joshua.

Upon this sermon, victor rose and the pastor recognized him. Victor gave his life account to date. He implores the pastor and the church to pray for him for forgiveness. When asked the areas where he had offended God, victor stammered and words became so difficult, but at the end confessed; the murder he committed twenty years ago to a business partner and acquired his property and wealth after killing him. He assured the congregation that he would serve God fully and eschew from things that could lead him to sin anymore.

The pastor after praying with him told the congregation that whatever a man sow, he shall reap. He further highlighted that the effect of what you do in life must get back to you, though it might tarry. This he called spirit of retribution.


In the land Abasi, there exist churches of one fifty denominations.

Most centralized and populated church in Abasi is called “the lather rain” this is a church people preferred to attend because of its beauty outlook amongst others.

The church programme defined every Wednesday as deliverance. This is a day held esteemly by members. The deliverance day attracts people from different works of life, even outside the state. These Wednesday deliverance amongst different Wednesday set the last Wednesday aside for the degree of anointing and power – packed.

It happened that a beautiful, lanky, yellow lady Evelyn came on that day for deliverance. Prominent amongst the pastors in latter rains ministry is Jude.

Jude is full of anointing and power. This was proved by the pinnacles and deliverance he carried out. Time of deliverance came and people began to come out individually one after another. The pastor carried out his deliverance perfectly convincing and believing to the attendants.

Evelyn stepped out for her deliverance. The pastors were in spirit and spoke in tongues. Evelyn wore a mini skirt with a white lace pant perforated at the front exactly within the pubic region.

The man of God began deliverance for Evelyn. This prolonged for over twenty minutes, and suddenly Evelyn fell on the ground with her legs stretched upward to the sky; in mid consciousness exposing sparkling pant and her laps comparable to the lap of an ostrich. The pastor became magnetized and attracted and made prolonged repetitions of his encomtations of deliverance. To worsen matters, the pastor stoop down in pretence of laying hands beneath, this leading to massaging of laps and thighs. Stretching his hand downwards the female region. This attracted a lady assistant pastor who quickly shouted at him and pull his standing with prayers consequently transfigerating the naked truth. Though some intelligent members of latter rains understood the podigm while others couldn’t. But at the last last, the conscious members of the episode converged to discuss the incident that happened at the rear thus power of flesh.


There came a couple named Mr. Jones Afia and wife Mrs. Cecilia Afia. These are young couple married at the ages of twenty years for the husband and sixteen years for the wife. Six months after their marriage, the wife conceived and in nine months gave birth to twin baby girls. They were named Kehinde and Taye. The twins started growing and at the ages three years, their mother was yet to conceive again.

A day came at about 7pm, there began a heavy down pour that lasted till 9pm. the twins fell asleep because of the sweetness of the night rain breeze. By 10pm the parents went to bed. The elder twin called Kehinde woke up to meet the mother. The mother Mrs. Cecilia carried her to the other side of the bed. The twin fell asleep again and the husband Mr. Jones mounted on the wife Cecilia for lovemaking. Kehinde unknowingly to both parents rose head and started tapping the daddy; asking him to stop beating mummy, crying and shouting aloud. Don’t beat, don’t beat mummy again o. Mr. Jones stylishly got up with his long penis; Kehinde shouted mummy, see snake……………….. see snake!!. this snake is penis of Jones while the little kid used herage to call snake. The two couple bust into laughter thus: lovers snake


In the famous city of Oyo in Nigeria of Africa continent is this obscurity of life. A she goat owned by Mrs Alika Sera amongst her numerous goat and other domestic animal arose this event. The origin of the pregnancy, the bio – chemical activities remain obscure within the animal kingdom.

It was December 15th of that year, the goat were heavy and completed the pregnancy period and began signs of delivery. These made the owner to assist the goat by touching sensitive areas to ease delivery. Quite unbelievably, the goat gave birth to a baby boy. It arose turmoil in the entire city of Oyo. Mrs Alika who owned the goat was summoned for questioning. Alika claimed innocence before the entire town.

The baby till date is in palace of the most paramount chief without any physical characteristics of being born by goat or showing any features of goat. The baby was named Emmanuel Oyo. This means the son of the entire town. He is now in tertiary institutions.

Silverware, sadness and sweet relief

Francisco Varallo’s passing cast a shadow over an otherwise absorbing week of football in which Wayne Rooney’s worst-ever drought came to an end, Atletico Madrid claimed another European trophy and fresh records were set in Brazil and Germany. All these and more are included in’s latest statistical review.

minutes without a goal for either club or country was the mammoth run that came to a long-awaited end for Wayne Rooney on Saturday. The Manchester United and England star had played for over 18-and-a-half hours without scoring in the four months and 29 days since his last goal, which came against Bayern Munich on 30 March. Unsurprisingly, this constituted the worst drought of Rooney’s stellar career, and it required a penalty against West Ham United at the weekend for the England talisman to rediscover his scoring touch. The 24-year-old will now hope to find the kind of form that had seen him score 11 times in nine matches prior to embarking on his lengthy famine.

was the grand old age at which the legendary Francisco ‘Pancho’ Varallo sadly passed away on Monday. Varallo was the last surviving participant from the first-ever FIFA World Cup™ Final in 1930 and went on to become a legend for both Boca Juniors and Argentina. Indeed, it was only in March of last year that Martin Palermo surpassed his professional era record of 194 goals for Los Xeneizes, which had stood for the best part of seven decades.

Brasileirao games undefeated is the club record sequence currently being protected by Fluminense. The championship leaders stretched this impressive run with a 2-2 draw against Sao Paulo to surpass the previous benchmark of 13, set back in 2005. However, the Rio outfit, who have strung together ten wins and four draws to lead the table by three points, would almost certainly have made that balance 11-3 but for another notable landmark. The man responsible for it was serial record-breaker Rogerio Ceni, who scored a free-kick - his first goal at the Maracana - to take his career tally to an unparalleled 90. Not content with that, he then saved a late penalty from Washington, a player who until last month had been a team-mate of his at Sao Paulo.

wins in 13 matches might seem a modest tally, but for Quique Sanchez Flores it has been sufficient to bring him two European trophies as coach of Atletico Madrid. Los Colchoneros were famously efficient during last season’s triumphant UEFA Europa League campaign, reaching the final on the back of just two wins from eight. Their habit of peaking when it mattered most appears to have continued into this season, with Flores’s side beating Inter Milan 2-0 in Friday’s UEFA Super Cup final. The vanquished European champions, meanwhile, have now failed to score in four of their last five meetings with Spanish opposition.

is the record high goals-per-game average established in the Bundesliga after the opening two matchdays. This new benchmark was set during a weekend of firsts in the German top flight, with the latest round of matches also producing an unprecedented seven away wins. There was a new record for Bayer Leverkusen too, albeit an unwanted one, after Die Werkself conceded six goals at home for the first time in their Bundesliga history in a 6-3 loss to Borussia Moenchengladbach. Wolfsburg were also reluctant history-makers after becoming the first team in the division for 19 years to build up a 3-0 lead and then go on to lose. Mainz’s 4-3 triumph also made for a bitter-sweet afternoon for Edin Dzeko, who had earlier become Die Wölfe's all-time record scorer, surpassing Diego Fernando Klimowicz’s previous record of 57.

Ayew: Africa will be taken seriously

Ayew: Africa will be taken seriously
( Wednesday 1 September 2010
Email my friend

In a nucleus of new-found football talent from west Africa, the name of Ghana playmaker Andre ‘Dede’ Ayew has been on everyone’s lips.

When the Black Stars' camp was rocked by a spate of injuries on the eve of the CAF Africa Cup of Nations 2010, coach Milovan Rajevac turned to a group of untested youngsters to shoulder the burden. He not only promoted the spine of the team that won the FIFA U-20 World Cup Egypt 2009, but he also handed them free reign to roam and a responsibility to bring pride to Ghana. Ayew did just that.

The left-winger nevertheless went into the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ known largely for being the son of Abedi Pele, the three-time African Footballer of the Year. He emerged from it as a global star in his own right, however, thanks to some exhilarating performances. caught up with the 20-year-old to discuss South Africa 2010, the new-found pressure on his shoulders, and his desire to win the UEFA Champions League, the Cup of Nations and the FIFA World Cup. Andre, the road to the Africa Cup of Nations 2012 begins this weekend against Swaziland. What are your thoughts?
Andre Ayew: Obviously it’s going to be a tough road to the qualifiers and I’m not just saying that because it’s a usual thing to say. It’s going to be tough because a lot of teams will now be targeting us. If you look at some of the teams we have to play, they are not easy opponents even for so-called small countries. In football, anything can happen that is why it’s important for us to step up and work hard. First we have to play Swaziland and we don’t know much about them. They are a closed book to us, but I’m sure they have watched us a lot of times. Then we have countries like Congo, Sudan – not easy opponents, especially away from home.

Suddenly, you have become one of the most recognisable faces in this team. Do you feel added pressure now?
Pressure is part of football. It’s always there. I would be lying if I said I don’t feel pressure, but it’s good pressure. I’m still young and I want to enjoy my football. I think after the World Cup in South Africa, people expect a lot from us, which is natural after the kind of performance we had.

There was a lot of speculation about your future at club level. Have you settled now, and what are your personal goals?
I'm at Marseille and happy there. At club level, I have always said that I want to win the Champions League - it’s one of those accolades that any player would like to add to his CV. We have good players at Marseille with a lot of experience. We are a very confident bunch and we know that we can do it. We have to win the league first and do it time and again. Of course teams like Bordeaux and Lyon also have good players and all the teams are good enough to win the league.

At national team level, my mission is twofold: we first have to win the Africa Cup of Nations, which we came very close to doing in Angola when we lost to Egypt. That was a disappointing moment for us, but now we have to focus on 2012. Of course our biggest dream would be to win the World Cup.
For me, it’s surprising that no African side has reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. Africa is home to some of the best players in the world. I think we just need a little bit of luck.
Ghana midfielder Andre Ayew

Talking about the FIFA World Cup, Ghana came agonisingly close to making history by becoming the first African side to reach the last four…
That was a painful experience for us. I think even today that hurts a bit. To go out in that way was really tough for us, and just to think about it brings some sad memories. We were so close, but yet so far. I don’t want to talk about that day a lot; it will stay in our memories for a long time. But we try not to think about it, we try to look at some of the positives that we gained from that tournament.

For me, it’s surprising that no African side has reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. Africa is home to some of the best players in the world. I think we just need a little bit of luck. It was good that the continent hosted its first World Cup, and it was a resounding success. From now on, people will take Africa seriously; they will know that Africa is capable of organising great events. We were overwhelmed with the support we got from South Africans during the tournament. Africa was united.

What did the coach Rajevac say in the dressing room after that quarter-final exit to Uruguay?
Everyone was devastated; we knew we were so close to advancing to the semi-finals. You could see the disappointment on each and every face after the match. Not much was said. There was no need for words.

The Black Stars camp looks like a happy family. Is that the reality?
Of course we are a happy bunch; we have a lot of respect for each other. When I arrived here, there were guys like Michael Essien, (Stephen) Appiah, (John) Mensah, who were big stars, but you could see the way they handled themselves with the other players. Their attitude was always the same. We learned a lot from their behaviour.

You have probably been asked this question before, but how do you feel about being compared to your father?
[laughs] I guess some people will always make that comparison, but that doesn’t bother me. My father played his part and he was one of the greatest players. I don’t want to compare myself to him. I believe I have to just keep on being myself. I have my own life and my own goals.